Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technology has obvious advantages in oil and gas pipelines crossing rivers, lakes, transportation routes, railway hubs and other obstacles and important regions.
This Technical Articleis edited by Brightway Separation Plant, the Desanding Plant Manufacturerfor Bored Pile Foundation Construction in China. Useful information about Desanding Plant for Bored Pile Construction.
The main application of Trenchless construction technology of underground pipe includes pipe jacking, directional drilling and crossing technology, and large section rectangular channel tunneling technology.
Pipe jacking method is a non-excavation construction technology which is to push the tool pipe or boring machine from the work pit (starting well) through the soil layer to the receiving pit (reach well) by means of a jacking device. By mea
Microtunneling is a trenchless construction method and requires jacking and reception shafts at the opposite ends of each drive. Micro Tunneling Machines (MTBMs) are capable of independently counter-balancing earth and hydrostatic pressure.