Tunneling Dewatering Solutions and Processes
Tunneling construction often present special dewatering problems. Dewatering for tunnels and shafts can sometimes be achieved with vertical or inclined wells drilled from ground surface, provided that access is available above the tunnel, and that there are no intervening service pipes between ground level and the tunnel. However, in many cases that is not possible and dewatering is carried out using arrays small diameter wells drilled radially out from the tunnel or shaft.
Dewatering applications for tunneling include:
1. Dewatering and depressurisation for construction of cross passages, tunnel enlargement, adits or other connections where the ground around a tunnel or shaft may be exposed temporarily.
2. Dewatering for recovery of damaged or flooded TBMs.
3. Dewatering to lower groundwater levels to below invert to allow open face tunnelling methods to be used in otherwise unstable ground. This is sometimes used when a TBM designed for relatively stable soils present over most of the tunnel length has to traverse a short section of alluvial or glacial soils which may be present in a buried channel or other geological feature.
4. Dewatering to control groundwater velocities to allow use of ground treatment methods (such as artificial ground freezing or grouting) in problematic conditions.

Brightway Tunneling Dewatering Equipment
Other Tunneling Dewatering Solutions:
1. Using Tunnel Dewatering System. It is the dewatering method of high sludge content in water. such as separation plant, desanding plant, mud recycling plant. The action is to separate the mud from the water.
2. Using Decantering Centrifuge. “Tunnel dewatering” is the latest field of application for Brightway centrifuges. For this application natural water penetrations have to be pumped out from the tunnel and are then cleaned with decanter centrifuges. Brightway centrifuges feature a service friendly design, which is quick and easy maintenance in the field, providing world-class standards for high-performanc on a wide range of applications, such as tunneling, mining and mineral.